Q: You can specify the longevity of the Locknetics 442S (shift points at 24VDC)
A: Are you asking the quantity of times this lock is expected to operate in the field prior to failure?
Q: Yes, do you have an indication of his MTBF
A: From Electronic Product Support at Allegion:
We don’t yet have information other than what is in the attached document:
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Engineering has been contacted to see if those ratings are available but, do not yet know anything more.
Best Regards,
If Allegion responds further - we will certainly update you as well.
Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride deep in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: Sourcing a replacement model 4355 cabinet lock
A: Please clarify the part number and advise. See pages F1-F2 here:
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Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take deep pride in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: Looking at the lock a second time, the p/n or model is a 435S not a 4355, but I do not see it in you catalog, am I missing it, or is it a discontinued item? The 442s looks close to it, and the one we have is a fail secure.
A: This is indeed a discontinued model with no direct replacement available -
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Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.