Q: We have 2 locknetics 510 EIR power supplies. I work for the Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility at Racine Wisconsin and we want to relocate the current two boxes to the other side of the wall where it can be accessed from an equipment room rather than having to go up in the attic to service these. I would like to incorporate these into one larger enclosure...please tell me what size of box would do.. I am thinking of a 18" x 18" x 6" hinged cover box... is that ok?
A: You are asking me the size of the metal enclosure that is the 510 ? This will seem an odd question, but if you already have them, and are going to relocate them, why not just measure them? What am I missing?
Q: well, the current size of the single boxes might be overkill and I want a box big enough to contain the guts of the power supplies. so essentially how big are the individual power supplies and will I be able to incorporate them inside of a proposed 18 inch x 18 inch x 6 inch enclosure. I propose in relocating these power supply guts in stages where I do not put ourselves with an undue outage.
A: I see - I would create a new enclosure but maintain the same margins all around the circuit boards - maintain the current margins is my answer.
Q: that would probably mean getting a box twice as wide as the single box; whereas I was hoping (theoretically 1.5 times the width of a single box)
A: I would not disagree -
Q: because of the difficulty in getting up to the ceiling to measure these boxes, I was hoping that you might be able to pull up the dimensions of a single box from your data base?
A: I see - now I understand
you hang on
I will get my tape
stand by ......
OD of enclosure = 12-1/4 x 12-1/4 x 4"
Q: i see, I have a choice of getting a box twice the height or twice the width.. you would happen to have the actual width of the circuit cards themselves, please?
A: back plate
10" w x 11" h
this has the board(s) and power supply attached to it
Q: I really appreciate what you have done for us, i think we have enough information to take it from there, thank you very much
A: Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take deep pride in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
Click Here
if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: I’m looking for more information about the locksets that come with the Locknetics 510 EIR Power Supply with Emergency Interface Relay Module specifically; if it comes with a standard lockset installed, and where to find keys for it if it does. Thank you, Garret K
A: Your question is asking whether or not the
Locknetics 510 EIR Power Supply with Emergency Interface Relay Module
includes the KLC (Key Lock Cover) option.
by default no - it does not but you can order this lock power supply with the keyed lock cover by ordering the Locknetics 510 EIR KLC Power Supply with Emergency Interface Relay Module with key lock cover as seen here:
Click Here