A: The answer is no - you cannot use this hinge reinforcement as it will not work on anything other than a "template" pattern hinge and the screw locations can be seen at the link here:
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A: There is not -
Is likely that there is no manufactured plate for what you want to use this on because a non template pattern hinge will all but certainly have a residential thickness on the leaf which means it's about .097" inch thick.
If you were to purchase a standard hinge plate and simply read drill and tap the holes in the plate to suit your physical locations the problem would still be that the offset of the plate would be too great because a standard hinge for commercial applications would be .134 inch thick.
Having said this your best bet is to probably purchase a blank hinge plate such as the Don-Jo HR-210-5 as seen here:
Click Here
And then also a link to the technical drawing as seen here:
Download File
Keep in mind you're going to have to drill and tap all the holes, certainly grind down the dimples that can be seen on the template as well but at the end of the day you'll be left with something that you ought to be able to make work.
Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take deep pride in our technical expertise (something Amazon can not provide) as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
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