Hager 3907 H1

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Hager 3907 7-Pin H1 Keyway Key Blank

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Hager 3907 7-Pin H1 Keyway Key Blank
Main ImageVideo Review Hager 3907 7-Pin H1 Keyway Key Blank
More from Hager
Price: $2.03 USD
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Naples, FL Warehouse Qty: 16
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Technical Support
Product Description:
Hager 3907 7-Pin H Keyways Key Blank - Unfinished
  • Hager 3907 Key Blank
  • 7-Pin
  • H Keyways
  • Unfinished
  • Box Quantity: 50
  • Note: This is the Hager H1 Keyway
Hager H1 Keyway (Conventional Cylinders)
7-Pin H1 Keyway Key Blank

Hager Keyways (7-pin only)

Hager H Keyways
(Click to Enlarge)
7-Pin H Keyways Key Blank - Unfinished
7-Pin H Keyways Key Blank - Unfinished
Hager Keying System Explained
Questions and Answers
Q: Does HPC make a card for the Hager "H" platform?
A: Using the manufacturers Code Card Printing Software “?CardWare” HPC states that you can create the code card for any key that you need to cut. the information from their website is specifically:

Not having the right code card no longer has to interrupt your day. With HPC’s CardWare™ Code Card Generating and Printing Software you can create a code card for any key you need to cut! You can search by manufacturer, code series, key blank, DSD number or card number to access the appropriate depth and space data.The code cards include the space and depth measurements (in inches or millimeters), applicable code series, appropriate cutter and jaw to use, and a picture of the key in the jaw showing the proper gauge point.

  • Make a code card for any of the 950+ lock types in CardWare™, or enter your own data to make a custom card.
  • Print the card on regular paper for 1-time use, or on card stock to keep for multiple uses.
  • Cut out the card, slide it into your Blitz™, Switch Blitz™, or Punch Machine™, and you are ready to cut the key.

  • I have not personally use this material but can vouch for the exceptional technical support from the factory.
    Q: If the depth and spacing data is available for the H1 couldnt he use the micrometer card for his Blitz?
    A: Sure could. Using the stop to first cut, then the center to center of each cut and the root depths you can originate a key.
    Q: Is there a Hager key gauge anywhere, I just bought a Pro Lok Blue punch from UHS and they and Pro Lok both do not have a gauge for Hager keys
    A: The Key Gauge you need for decoding or gauging Hager original cut keys is the Pro-Lok KDIC as seen here:

    Click Here

    and a video, "A Conversation regarding the availability of a key gauge for the Pro-Lok BP201HA", explaining the background of why this is the correct key gauge can be seen here:

    Click Here

    (Required, used to email you once question is answered.)
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