DraftSeal DS346LBOOT

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DraftSeal DS346LBOOT Neoprene Left Bottom Seal for DS346N & DS348N Series Inswing Astragals Only

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DraftSeal DS346LBOOT Neoprene Left Bottom Seal for DS346N & DS348N Series Inswing Astragals Only
Main ImageVideo Review DraftSeal DS346LBOOT & DraftSeal DS346RBOOT
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Price: $6.69 USD
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Technical Support
Product Description:
DS346LBOOT Neoprene Left Bottom Seal for DS346 & DS348 Series Inswing Astragals Only

Questions and Answers
Q: Hello. I am looking for replacement boots for my double patio doors. From the drawing on your website, it appears that the DS346LBoot is the most similar to mine, however it is not clear as it is showing the boot from the bottom. I'd appreciate if you could take a look at this photo of my boot

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and let me know if the one you sell would be appropriate. Thank you.

A: I cannot tell you if what we have available would work - I'm tempted to say you may be able to manipulate it to certainly be better than not having something in place the link as seen here And inside of the above link you will see a further link to a video review of the product that will certainly help you determine more accurately the suitability of this item for your application.

This video review can be seen here:

Click Here

Q: I need the exact same boot as the person above (see his photo posted above). Did he say whether or not DS346LBOOT fit his door? Thank you.
A: This client did indeed ordered the DraftSeal DS346LBOOT Neoprene Left Bottom Seal for DS346N & DS348N Series Inswing Astragals Only though never reported back - I suspect the client was able to achieve a "better than nothing" level of success.
Q: OK. So I read the door handing chart and want to make sure. From the exterior, my astragal is on the left door and the door swings towards the interior. So I am looking at a DS346LBOOT right?
A: Correct, your inactive door is a Left Hand which means you need a Left Hand bottom seal.
Q: I also have the same boot as those above. The boot you show in the video wont work. The double door I have is a Landmark III. If you have any like the photo the first person sent I would be interested. Thanks
A: How is the manufacturer of your Landmark III door?
Q: The only marking is on the inside edge of the door & says "Landmark III". I have another door it says "Benchmark II". I thought that would be the manufacturer..
A: I dont doubt this but my guess is "Landmark III" & "Benchmark II" are models from this unknown specific manufacturer. We cannot shed any light on the mystery of what boot would be needed.
Q: If you are outside. My inactive door is on the left and swings inward. I have a small piece of the Astragal and there is an R on it. But according to what you said in the video I should order a left one.
A: If the astragal is attached to the left-hand door, your astragal DS346LBOOT needs to be also left hand
Q: I wanted to make sure that I got the correct one so I ordered a right and a left. Thanks Jonathan
A: Very good - this way you are "covered". My videos will also "show" what they look like as well - check there as well.
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