Burns 534-626

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Burns 534-626 Satin Chrome Plated Brass Automatic Floor Type Holder and Stop

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Burns 534-626 Satin Chrome Plated Brass Automatic Floor Type Holder and Stop
Main ImageVideo Review Burns 534 612
More from Burns
Price: $72.71 USD
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Naples, FL Warehouse Qty: 3
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Technical Support
Product Description:
Burns-logo Burns 534-626 Satin Chrome Plated Brass Automatic Floor Type Holder and Stop
  • Automatic Floor Type Holder and Stop
  • Material: Cast Brass
  • Size:3-11/16" × 3" Base x 1-15/16" Projection x 1-3/16" High Strike
  • Finish: US26D
  • ANSI: L01301
  • Notes:Commercial grade automatic door holder with floor mounted strike
  • Standard Fasteners: (4) #12 × 1" SMS, (4) #12 × 1" MS, (3) #14 × 1-1/4" SMS, (3) 1/4-20 × 3/4" MS with lead anchors
Questions and Answers
Q: how do you unlatch? Just pull
A: Just pull is correct. There is a spring loaded roller under the door portion. That spring loaded roller rides up and over the strike. These devices are known for their simplicity and durability and especially well suited high high volume applications.

Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.

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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

Q: Will it hold the door open if the door has a door closer installed?
A: Most likely yes - the Burns 534-626 Satin Chrome Plated Brass Automatic Floor Type Holder and Stop Will be able to hold a door open that has a closer installed - assuming that you have a barrier-free door closer install that is very likely 5 lb of force to open and therefore with a reduced opening force comes a reduced closing force. Of course should you need to you can marginally adjust the placement of the spring loaded roller over the floor mounted strike to require greater force to cut and remove the door from the hold open position.
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