Q: I have a bts 80 closer and that door is off center from close (0 degrees) it it off alignment by 1/4 inch..what should I adjust to return the door to the proper closed position ? The door is set for double action but is used as single action with a stop block screwed on the frame above the door. It just needs to close just a little more.
A: Dorma does not have a provision to adjust the door laterally to account for the degree of close and in fact most concealed door closer systems don't either.
The concept of "Centering Adjustment" does indeed exist, in fact in a couple of different methods are employed. the first controller the degree of positioning of the door closer body spindle and can be reviewed in the CRL 900 series installation instructions as seen here:
Download File
The second type features adjusting bolts on the bottom arm of closers as seen here:
Download File
Or top arm as seen here:
Download File
however these arms are used in aluminum doors.
The Rixson 40 also offers an alignment concept with exposed fasteners for a wood door as seen here:
Download File
However none of this directly solves yor problem. While Dorma does not offer an adjustable arm per se', they do offer a "Pre-load" spindle which is intended to:
Spindles are available with a
3° pre-load for additional
pressure to hold door in the
closed position. Normally,
this is only necessary
for center-pivoted single
acting applications. However,
they can also be used with
other applications to
compensate for templating
errors. Specify hand of preload spindle when ordering.
as seen here:
Download File
Naturally this spindle may overcompensate for the 1/4" you need in additional close, because you have a "stop block", I would be confidant this solution may sove the problem.