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Von Duprin Electric Strike 6226

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Von Duprin Electric Strike 6226
More from Von Duprin
Price: $667.87 USD
Ships From
  Volume Price Information  
 Buy 12 or more and pay $634.48 each (save 5.00%
 Buy 36 or more and pay $601.08 each (save 10.0%
 Buy 72 or more and pay $567.69 each (save 15.00%
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This item is not in stock and typically ships in 1 business day.
Additional Declarations - This manufacturer has an order minimum of $85.00 - if your total is less than this amount, the lead time approximately 2-3 weeks before it would ship. Simply exceed this minimum order amount so that we can drop ship the material to your location.


Technical Support
Product Description:
Closed back electric strike for use with mortise locks without deadbolt or cylindrical locks on 1 3/4" or 2 1/4" thick double door (hollow metal or aluminum) applications.
---Model 6226---
----Product Description & Features----
Electric Strikes provide remote release of a locked door. They allow the door to be opened without retracting the latchbolt. This occurs by the releasing of the electric strike lip (sometimes called keeper or gate). When the door closes the beveled latchbolt rides into the electric strike pocket.
Von Duprin is the leading manufacturer of premium, heavy duty electric strikes. Known for their reliability, durability and security 6000 Series strikes feature all stainless steel construction, are non-handed and available in 12V or 24V, DC or AC. Strikes are furnished fail secure (FSE) standard, with fail safe (FS) optional.
Resistance in Ohms ± 10% @ 70°F
Watt-seated @ 70°F
Amps-seated @ 70°F
Amps-inrush @ 70°F
Available Finishes
UL Listed
  • US32D
  • US10
  • US10B
  • US4
  • US3
  • US32
UL Listed Burglary. Resistant CVXY and Electric Strike for fire doors or frames GXAY (fail secure only).
ANSI E59321
All Stainless Steel Construction
Fail Safe
Dual Monitor Switches
Entry Buzzer
Accepts 3/4" (19mm) Throw Latchbolt
Six Finishes
Fail Secure
Horizontally Adjustable
Plug Connectors
Questions and Answers
Q: Will the 6300 fit on the Von Duprin aluminum mullion?
A: The 6300 electric strike won't fit on the Von Duprin aluminum mullions. The strike is too wide to fit on the flat part of the side of the aluminum mullions.
(Required, used to email you once question is answered.)
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