Video review of Hager 362H Vertical Sign - PUSH

This video is to bring you a closer look at the Hager 362H push vertical sign shown to you in the 32D satin stainless steel. This is actually made of stainless. Black engraved infilled push. It's 50/1000" thick, which is the typical thickness for push plates, pull plates, kick plates, things of that nature. It is available in several different architectural finishes. This is solid stainless with a satin finish, 1' wide, 4-1/2" tall. And very commonly seen in applications where a little identification on the door is a very handy thing to have, in a library, that I've seen, the local library here has the bathroom doors, and they just disappear beautifully into the woodwork on the rest of the wall, and quite frankly you can't see the hinges while they're concealed anyway, and you don't see the pull handle and it's not real obvious how that door might work and a little bit of identification to help is handy. You'll also see these on the exterior doors of retail spaces just to signify, help determine the degree of swing of the door for you. Real handy item. If you have any questions on the Hager 362H vertical push sign. This is in its polybag. This is going to a client, and I don't want to remove it and destroy the label. There might be a future video that will show this without its packaging. Any questions on the Hager 362H push, or any other Hager product, please feel free to reach out to us.Hager 362H US32D video review thumbnail
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