Universal Model Door Closer offering versatility and precision engineering. This Multi-Size Adjustable commercial door closer can be used for all standard applications.
Extended Description
A customer who has recently purchased this closer asked our sales department:
Am a trustee for my church and in need of a closer to install on a door at the head of a flight of stairs. These stairs are used by adult and child alike. The door opens to the stairs. I want to be cautious in keep little ones, who have come up, from being forced down the steps by a closer. This is the reason for it needing to be extremely pressure sensative. Please send a diagram or picture and price list. Any and all help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.
We responded:
Mr. Hopler; I understand your situation completely. When people say "pressure-sensitive" typically they are thinking of a door control device that allows only the minimum amount of pressure to open the door. Conversely the client usually requires this same door closer close the door both slowly and not too "hard" so that if a little person is still in the doorway, the closer will not "slam" on them. The closer I am suggesting is attached. The 300 - series is both "barrier-free" and handicap compliant. This means it meets the criteria for the application you have described. This door closer is in stock and can ship out the same day an order is placed.
Thanks: Rich Howard