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BEST 1A2E2 GREEN Control Key For Green Core

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BEST 1A2E2 GREEN Control Key For Green Core
Video Review BEST Company 1A2A2 Control Key For Green Core
More from Best Access
Price: $16.70 USD
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BEST 1A2A2 GREEN Control Key For Green Core

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Questions and Answers
Q: What does "For green core" mean/represent?
A: In the realm of Best Construction Cores the different colors simply refer to the different bitting or code the key is cut to. This allows visual identification of what key code exists on a cylinder. Best uses this color coding to differentiate their different construction core cylinders in terms of how they are keyed.

A practical application of this might be a multiple prime type contract where a large project is divided into separate individual projects where your different projects may have different construction cores that will operate them because the entire facility will be of a single manufacturer, in this case Best. You could use one color for one interior contract, a different color for a different interior contract and then the exterior can all be under a separate color construction corps as well.

All of the Best construction core color coatings are listed here:

White is available in Canada only.

In my experience green is the most common followed by blue and red.

Q: What is the bitting for a green control key
A: The bitting of the green control key would not be shared publicly in this form.
Q: I have a door on one of my buildings that was recently replaced. The contractor is long gone and they left a green best sfic lock in the door. How can I get the codes for the operator and control keys so we can pull and reuse them?
A: Obtaining the bitting for that cylinder would not be a subject matter but I would be at liberty to discuss - Realistically if you're able to get the door open I would remove the cylinder and replace the cylinder completely along with that core.

Alternatively a locksmith would be able to remove all of the contents of the cylinder and simply recombinante it to provide you with new keys although realistically it wouldn't be worth the cost because you can purchase a new cylinder for less money.

Q: bitting for the brown cores
A: I do not know the bitting of a brown construction core. Do not keep brown here, only green.
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