Q: Are mounting brackets available for this motor?
A: We do have brackets we would need to know on the header if it is for bottom load or side load.
Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: Hi Rich, As per our conversation here is a PDF of what my door looks like. The problem i am having is that the door is swinging to far out and not stopping. Any help will be appreciated. Want it to open at 90 degree, but it is openig way pass that maybe to 135 degrees
A: The Adjustment of Opening
Angle Diagram can be reviewed here:
Click Here
Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride deep in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: Thanks for your help Rich. I am going to try the adjustment you sent me and see how it goes. Also i been trying to find a service manual for the horton 4100 but it has been difficult . Any thoughts as to where i might find a PDF manual? Thank again for all your help
A: Does this link to the Installation Instructions help:
Download File
Is there a follow up question that we can perhaps attempt to answer? We take pride deep in our technical expertise, as we know it separates us from our competition, so don't hesitate to ask.
Please reply to this email or contact our sales department here:
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if we can assist you by answering further questions or with entering this order and please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Q: Mine is RC4100-R14 it's over 25 years old,and does not work very well in cold weather ,under 20degrees ,does not like to open or opens very slow is there anything I can do or is it seen it's better days?
A: I can't really say what would cause this specific issue that you're having except to say that it could certainly be a multitude of things. Perhaps the wheels don't turn as smoothly in very cold weather because the lubricant that they rely on to work smoothly is no longer very elastic or perhaps there's a problem with the operator assembly in cold weather or perhaps the ground below the door swells to the point in extreme weather to compromise the smooth operation of the door.
Replacing the entire opening with new track and Hangers would be advisable along with weatherstripping because I have no way to tell you that if you have the operator changed that it would have any real effect.
Q: What LCN operator would be equal to Horton 4000 series operator?
A: The Senior Swing series operator would be the LCN equivalent to the Horton 4000 series operator.